The Scary Parts of Writing (and Quick Fixes)
How to get over being frightened by the writing process
1. Eeek! Writers Block
You wake up with this idea that's so clever that you skip breakfast to rush to your writing desk. Then you type furiously while visions of that Pulitzer dance in your head. You stop. You re-read. You want to puke. You delete it all and now you're plain stumped for what--if anything--to write.
Or you’re under a big, hairy deadline, but then, 12 hours before submission time, your brain circuits all fizzle and blow. Oh. Hell.
The fix: Get outside and take a walk or a run. Don't worry. The writer's pity party will still be in full swing when you return. When you get back, pick up your hand-writing journal to tease out what’s stalling you in this project. Or, if you’re not under deadline, take a break from this freakish project to work on a different one—preferably in a different genre.
2. Bwah! Ha! Ha! The Editor’s Rejection Letter
You drafted, re-drafted, edited, polished (and polished). Then, you submitted that short story or essay or poem to an apparently perfect market. You followed their submission guidelines. Your piece is within the required word count. Yet, here in your email in-box is one of those, “This-didn’t-work-for-us” notes.
The fix: First, exorcise (as in, “cast out thy demons”) all self-blame or -flagellation. Remember that all writing and reading is subjective. I mean, how many New York Times bestsellers have you read that you honestly, truly loved (in my case, not many)? Also: This rejection may have little or nothing to do with the quality of your piece. It’s certainly not an indictment of you as a writer. Or as a person. If the editor was kind enough to offer suggestions, use them to create a better draft.
The best cure for writer’s rejection? Review your piece, fix any boo-boos and, within 24 hours, submit it to a new and more selective market.
3. Hells Bells! I’m too Old to Write My Novel or Memoir
You’re facing down a milestone birthday and here's that inner voice telling you that life has whizzed by, and so has your dream of being a writer. In short, you’re just too old and all the young editors won’t care about your boomer-baby topic. No. You. Are. Not. Yes. An. Editor. Will. Care.
The Fix: First, tell yourself that you deserve to write. Next, know that taking time out to write does not mean that you are reneging on your work or family responsibilities or caregiving. Instead, writing means feeding your own creativity to make you a better employee, a better parent, a better grandparent, a better family caregiver.
Look at your entire week. Find some spots in there for quick, incidental writing opportunities. Insert those days and times into your appointment calendar. Early mornings? Lunch hours? Café on the way home from work? Turn off the T.V. at night. If it really matters to you, make a plan and start tomorrow. The world is waiting to hear your story and unique voice.
Like what you see here? Check out my creative and wellness writing workshops. All of my sessions are content-rich, encouraging and fun. As well as being a multi-published author, I’m a trained teacher who gets great reviews.