Writing for Wellbeing
Wellness Writing Workshops and Presentations (Virtual and In-Person)
Wouldn’t you love to find a low-cost way to ease your stress and to bring joy, comfort and clarity to your personal and working life?
Writing for well-being (or expressive writing) can do all of these—and more. Over 300 clinical studies support the benefits of regular writing, and you don't have to be a writer to join a workshop.
Here’s what I bring to the wellness-writing workshops:
20+ years as a healthcare professional, including working with vulnerable patients to tell their lived-experience stories with dignity and privacy
Training and education in expressive writing from Columbia (U.S) and Leeds (U.K.) Universities. Also, I just completed Duke University Integrative Medicine Center’s program, Leading Others in Writing for Health.
Certified in Mental Health First Aid, an international training provided by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing.
Widely published author and essayist, including illness narratives and expressive writing.
Get in touch to request details, including an outline of learning objectives and class content.
Or scroll down to see past venues and learner testimonials.
A short video about my wellness-writing workshops—including my own journaling journey.
The Health Benefits of Writing
The data from 300 clinical studies support the health benefits of writing for most groups. Read this meta-analysis from Cambridge University Press.
“Your workshop was a perfect blend of experiential exercises, information-sharing and discussion. The participants were very engaged, and I was reluctant to end the evening.”
“Thanks for your wonderful session. I enjoyed it very much. I think you have provided me the prompts that I needed to keep writing.”
“Thank you for the workshop on expressive writing. It is so relevant during all times, but especially during these times.”
“Today I saw a sign, ‘What Makes You Smile?’ I immediately thought of your writing session.”
“Áine’s workshop helped me to understand how writing could support my work as a social worker.”
In this podcast interview, I chat with Dr. Kevin Pho about the benefits of expressive writing and journaling for caregivers and healthcare clinicians.
“Thank you for your work on Saturday’s session, I think it went really well. I found the discussion and time very restorative.”
Recent Venues
Seattle Children's Hospital
Children's hospital in Seattle, Washington
Massachusetts General Hospital
Lunch ‘n Learn employee development
Carver School of Medicine
University of Iowa
Justice Resource Institute (JRI)
New England
American Asssociation of Holistic Nurses
Boston Seacoast Chapter
Employee Assistance Professionals (EAP)
Association, Massachusetts and Rhode Island
Hope Floats
Healing and Wellness Center
North of Boston Cancer Resource
Ferry Beach Retreat
and Conference Center
Facing History and Ourselves
(Employee development) Boston, California, Toronto, UK
Wellesley and Newbury
Public Libraries
Gloucester Writers Center
Nonprofit writers center
Possible Workshop Topics
Writing for Comfort and Joy - During these tough and contentious times, learn how to find and re-find your inner joy through writing. I developed this as a keynote presentation, and it has since grown into a highly interactive and popular workshop. It’s also good as an antidote to stress during or after the holiday season.
Start Your New Year Off “Write:” After the holiday season, it can be hard to get back into or start a writing practice. This workshop can jumpstart your writing and help you to sustain your resolution to write more.
Writing for Self-Care and Wellbeing – Journaling, micro essays and other wellness writing. Includes a short review of the evidence-based research on the link between writing and recovery. We include some opportunities for participant writing and tips for getting published.
Words after Work - An introduction to expressive writing as part of your workplace or employee wellness initiatives or offerings. Suitable for beginner writers and includes options for those who“hate writing by hand.”
Fees: My fees vary, depending on the length of the workshop.