Essays, Interviews on Books, Literature and Writing
Interviews about Trespassers and Other Stories
Beyond the Pages: An interview about writing and how to get started on your first book
Interview on why and how I wrote these transatlantic stories at Sea Crow Press.
Articles and Tips for Writers
Can Books Convert Us? at Books Ireland Magazine
Before You Pitch that Literary Agent at The Write Life
Writing During Tough Times at Books by Women
Writing Tough Stuff (5 tips) at Books by Women
Public Libraries and the Public Good at the blog.
Interviews on Writing
Interview on being a feminist writer at The Fem magazine
The Write Space interview at Creative North Shore
At The Boston Irish Tourism Association website
The Volkswagen Van at Write Angles
On being an immigrant writer at Books in the City
What Rejection Teaches Us at Lori’s Reading Corner
Author interview at The Writer's Place
Guest post, Re-finding Your Writing Groove at Savvy Verse and Wit
On Becoming a Writer at Write Angles
Video and Audio Interviews
Interview at KevinMD about the value and practice of expressive writing or writing for personal wellness.
Interviewed at Amoskeag Journal about “Green Card” being cited in “Best American Essays.”
On writing for stress relief and wellness at The Morning Show (38.32)
Interview on health and wellness writing at 495, the blog of Merrimack Valley Magazine
On being an immigrant writer on The Morning Show
A chat with InDepth NH on my book, “Writer with a Day Job.”