Writing and Winter Blues
Can writing help me on my blah or down days? Can writing help with winter blues?
Can writing help me on my blah or down days? Can writing help with winter blues?
By mid November, my mood starts to match the New England weather outside my window.
In winter, my brain and my words turn monochrome, moody and sludgy.
And yet ... we must get up every day and be grateful for this day and for being able to get up and out of bed. However busy we are, we must take time out to enjoy some small, incidental pleasures.
So today, despite the weather woman's warnings of wind chills, I will leave my desk and get out there to take a walk in the winter sunlight.
Or I love this guided meditation on washing away negativity.
10 Ways to Brighten Your Winter Work Day
Last year, I published a blog article, "10 Ways To Brighten Your Winter Work Day" at "World of Psychology," a series of wellness and mental health blogs hosted by PsychCentral.
The article includes suggestions ranging from writing your morning pages, to eating protein-rich meals to brief workplace meditations.
Click here to read the complete article and my 10 tips for winter wellness.
What are your tricks for winter writing and wellness? Share in the comments below.