Welcome to my author website!

I'm an Irish author who now lives and writes north of Boston. In these web pages, I hope you find that one thought or line that resonates with you. Or, better yet, I hope you read something here that builds a bridge between you and me, between your life and mine.

Get some support for your writing journey in my free writers tips. Or check out my list of virtual and in-person creative and wellness-writing workshops. In my News pages, I list upcoming writers workshops, retreats, author events and other updates.

Oh! And while you’re here, take a look at my fifth and latest book, “Trespassers and Other Stories.” “Trespassers” is a collection of transatlantic short fiction set in greater Boston and Ireland.

The book is now available from the publisher and wherever good books are sold.

Creative Writing Workshops and Free Tips for Writers

Creative Writing Classes in Personal Essay, Fiction, Short Memoir

Carefully prepared workshops in greater Boston and New England; Virtual Classes in U.S., Europe, Canada. Virtual, hybrid or in-person classes in Ireland.

Writing for Wellbeing

Virtual or in-person workshops and retreats for employee development, wellness, recovery, lunch `n learn sessions and healthcare provider groups.

Tips for Writers